Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Middle school post reaction

It was ok the book could do better I mean the bully they could be friends but I liked the ending don’t change the way he got kicked not to be mean just I like how it was put how he did all of that just for Jenny glada just the book should have not had

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog all I got to say is hi and ummm well I don’t know what to wright I have a twin some of you know that and I dislike fortnite I like pubg better don’t hate me just I hate it I like music and I like to interact it feels good to say something and I like soccer and volleyball video games are fun to read middle school and watch the move it was ok the end is ellllll it was discussding grows but back on the ponit about me I don’t want to do this but it is good to chat comment we can talk I am a new kid cinda well I don’t know a lot of people s I will try to make friends with people I know only a bit of people that was in my last school but it is good to make new friends I talk a lot don’t Jude because a lot of people call me annoying and we’ll that is because I talk a lot as u can see I don’t like writing although I write a lot I like rap hip hop cinda and beats ummm I don’t think I have anything to say anymore Andy I hope we can meet and be friends that’s it bye