Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Chicago history Kanye West

he is a famous rapper you mite know his song are not for kids for sure but ya he is a famous for rapping umm he made one that I know I don’t know the rest so it goes like this your such a ******* *** it’s a bad song k don’t listen to it ummmmm he Also keeps his fans happy by posting a lot so you can see a lot of his videos watch then his music is not bad but not good adalts wound love the song that are into bad thing like u know what I hope you injoy I should of said that earlyer sorry also means srr ya I will use that don’t read this stope reading k I will still tape he does a bunch he sing raps he all he does is really rap soooooo ummmm idk a bunch about him because he does the same thing over and over he is like a repeater so here are his he was born on June 8 1977 me I was born June 7 close  and he had 3 children one is 10 moths old and there is one boy and one girl I couldn’t find the gender of the baby and there names are saint,north,Chicago I don’t know but it says that it’s there names this is them tadaa Konya is 41 years old

Thanksgiving not what I hoped

This is the first day of the week and we are doing all the way to thanksgiving you would think no why does it have to be soooo long well I don’t know and don’t care so I am writing this to you and ummm ya I am going to say what I do to st up thanksgiving and what we did while getting there hope you injoy it is gonna be long I hope🤞Kk don’t wanna jinx my self bye for now also I will put little lines to separate the days like this because I am not gonna write anything today k bye for real this time no going back bye and hope you injoy I said this twice o well you will see all I mess up bye

We didn’t clean so no cleaning part we did it before oops we were waiting

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My weekend end really😢

I talked to my cussin Gabriel again it was ok he mite come over to my birthday and anyone is invited just ask I think I will invite 7 or 5 ok ok back to my weekend so we talk he mite come over I was hopping he is in California? Sorry I don’t know I should ask him I will I listened to one song two days in a row I like the songggg a lot well it is the second song it is a bass song and they have lots of songs in one video it is a 53:39 long it is a bit long I just go to 1:30 and it starts the second song I love bass music because it may look cool and lots of bass drops it is cool because you have to get them unexpectedly and it gets you and you also get amazed check it out
Ya so that’s what I listen to you also should check this out and this is artist i listen to lots of links today

Friday, November 2, 2018

Reflecting for Quarter one

I ok I did not really try for outer one and I am not for 2 I will only give like 25 or 50% I have only tryed 100 in one yer that was third grade I never really tryed for any other grade I liked my teacher and she was funny Vince always got in trouble it was so funny when she would go to his locker everyone would go out of the class room and they saw a bunch of papers that was homework he always got intrubble if you got intrubble you never really got intrubble

Hollowen ended like wha

At first I wanted to go trick or treating but when it got to when I can go I didn’t I don’t know why we also started late so less candy I got the most tho my brother and my sister conbind but I did not get a lot so rip I wanted lots of candy I wasn’t trick or treating on the way to church why you say church they were partying they party a lot they party before school starts they party for hollowen they party for no reason sometimes are church is a party church no afents they party a lot you should go sometime back to the point i did not want to go anywhere when I got out of the building I went I got there I played some games for candy I didn’t go in the bouncy house they always have one it is up to age 6 to 12 is you are older you can’t go if you are younger you go in the other one they have one for little little kids for ages under 6 since nobody got popcorn from the movies they dropped some off so we can party but since nobody got popcorn they put it in a big bag and they were gonna give it away guess what me and my brother won it and got some mdonowld gifcard me my sister and my brother got something for the giveaways they called my name for the money jump ya you jump as far as you can you get a doallor every 5 inches

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Middle school post reaction

It was ok the book could do better I mean the bully they could be friends but I liked the ending don’t change the way he got kicked not to be mean just I like how it was put how he did all of that just for Jenny glada just the book should have not had

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog all I got to say is hi and ummm well I don’t know what to wright I have a twin some of you know that and I dislike fortnite I like pubg better don’t hate me just I hate it I like music and I like to interact it feels good to say something and I like soccer and volleyball video games are fun to read middle school and watch the move it was ok the end is ellllll it was discussding grows but back on the ponit about me I don’t want to do this but it is good to chat comment we can talk I am a new kid cinda well I don’t know a lot of people s I will try to make friends with people I know only a bit of people that was in my last school but it is good to make new friends I talk a lot don’t Jude because a lot of people call me annoying and we’ll that is because I talk a lot as u can see I don’t like writing although I write a lot I like rap hip hop cinda and beats ummm I don’t think I have anything to say anymore Andy I hope we can meet and be friends that’s it bye